A Truth Seekers
40-Day Sadhana & Ayurveda Cleanse

Beginning on September 22nd, 2024
$88 Energy Exchange

September 22, 2024

A virtual 40-day Sadhana to clear the veil to truly connect to your every desire and need for a happy, healthy, and holy life.

Around the Full Moon, you will be invited and guided through an Ayurvedic cleanse to gently balance the body and mind after the accumulated heat during the smoldering and wet Pitta Summer season.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how this offering holds space for you!

The 40-Day Sadhana:
Each day at 7 a.m. EST, you can join a live 20–25-minute Zoom class. For your convenience, the recording will be sent to your email later that morning. The class will include pranayama (breath work) to prepare us for the meditation. From a chair or the floor, we will then practice an all-level kundalini yoga-inspired sequence. Finally, the class will end with a short and powerful invitation to rest and receive in savasana, a relaxation pose.

The Sat Kriya Meditation:
Sat Kriya is known not only as a meditation but also as a complete class. It is that awesome! Sat, pronounced suht, means Truth. Nam, pronounced naam, means name, purpose, or identity. Sat Nam can be translated as “truth is my name, identity, and purpose.”

When chanted, you identify your truth while clearing away what is not and connecting to your innate purpose or dharma. The benefits include facilitating deep relaxation while strengthening the nervous system, awakening sexual energy and/or passion in life, and building heart health. These benefits are directly related to the receivers within the 7 major chakras (energetics) that are being worked within the physical plane. In essence, you are tapping into both the inward and outward energetics to develop harmony and balance.

Why 40 days?
In the Kundalini tradition, it is believed that it takes 40 days to create a habit or pattern. This can be good or bad for your health, sweetie. ‘Sadhana’ is a spiritual practice. So, when you practice a 40-day sadhana, you invest sacred time for greater health and well-being. You begin taking steps daily to be the priority in your life. This is you practicing the airplane crash scenario; you know, place your air mask on first before assisting others😉 When done daily, it can be transformational. You are washing and tuning into the mind, body, and spirit before interacting with the world.

The Ayurveda Cleanse:
Ayurveda cleanses facilitate bringing balance to the digestive system through gentle practices for the mind and body. You get to nourish and ground yourself through food, rest, and activities. Typically, an Ayurvedic cleanse is done at the equinox between the Summer to Fall season and Winter to Spring season. Under the guidance of an Ayurvedic Coach, it might be useful at other times.

The Pre-Cleanse:
Wednesday, October 9th at 9:30 am EST Zoom Class
The week before the full moon, join me in learning the series of actions or steps toward preparing the mind and body for the cleanse. Yep, there is a pre before the actual. This is the time to discover and clarify all the what, why, when, where, and how questions for your cleanse. It is also time to ease into maybe weening yourself out of some of those hyper activities: caffeine, alcohol, sugar, late nights and mornings. You will also receive recipes, explore heartfelt journal prompts, and develop a schedule. This class will not be more than 60 minutes long. The recording will be sent out later that day.

The Fall Cleanse:
Wednesday, October 16th at 9:30 am EST Zoom Class
An Ayurvedic cleanse comes with receiving delicious and easily digestible meals. You get to eat!!! This is my favorite kind of cleanse ever. After months of being overly stimulated, immersed in the heat, and breaking all your rules during the summer, it is time to cool your ass down😉 Summer is a time to stay up late, vacation, eat and drink all the fun things, and spend hours out in the elements. However, these amazing choices (feel the no regrets) can create a buildup of heat, humidity, and irritable conditions in our digestive system, hormones, mind, and emotions. The food, drinks, rest, and activities during the cleanse will cool and calm the body and mind while bringing you back to a state of balance.

During this cleanse, you are the boss, and I am the guide! You will determine a 3-7 day cleanse and how much is eliminated and participated in. You will choose because it is YOUR CLEANSE. Remember, this 40-day sadhana is about practicing being in your TRUTH! I will provide SUGGESTED guidelines for snacks, activities, and rest. Isn’t this the coolest cleanse? It is not strict but gentle and kind to meet you where you are. This class will not be more than 60 minutes long. The recording will be sent out later that day. This class will launch the cleanse to clarify “How to Build the Kitachri” while also offering other great tips and tricks for snacks, chutneys, and drinks. Think of the class as being a cooking show, so please feel free to join me in the kitchen. This will also be recorded and sent to your email for later viewing.

Some of the benefits of an Ayurvedic Cleanse:
• balancing digestive imbalances while improving metabolism
• safely removes toxins
• mental and emotional clarity
• better sleep while renewing energy
• improved skin and hair health
• weight loss in body and mind
• restores a sense of calm

The Post-Cleanse:
Wednesday, October 23rd at 9:30 am EST Zoom Class This is a beautiful time to slowly integrate back into your daily life. We will focus on how to mindfully introduce certain foods and activities. Just like yoga, this is not a drive-thru experience. It is a practice of awareness to connect to your needs to feel grounded, nourished, and safe. You may find some things you don’t need, want, or like anymore. Join us LIVE or catch the recording. This class will not be more than 60 minutes long. The recording will be sent out later that day.

Who can participate?
Anyone can do this 40-day Sadhana and Cleanse. However, desire is necessary because it fuels the momentum to show up daily and to do your best. If you are curious but on the fence, answer the questions:
Why do you seek the truth?
Can you discern your truth from someone else’s?
Do you have trouble making decisions?
Are you feeling congested, confused, or overwhelmed in the mind, body, or emotions?
Is it hard to step into change, even though you know you need it?
Does commitment or challenges make you uncomfortable?
Are you experiencing hot flashes, diarrhea, constipation, anger, or impatience?

If you desire clarity, wholeness, peace, or balance ~ say “YES” and join us on this 40-Day exploration. It is meant to be easeful, peaceful, and useful. The time and space have been created for you to clean and clear out what prevents you from living in your truth. You will feel the loving power within that fuels the passion to live radiantly in your truth.

A Private Facebook Group will be created for you to receive encouragement and support while doing the same for others!

Life will go on, so it is about creating space for this to fit in while not stressing you out! You will receive an email with the sadhana class each day. For your convenience, all the cleansing documents and class recordings will also be sent via email.

BONUS: You will have access to all of the recordings and emails through December 31st, 2024. 
